Our 3rd installment in the Getting to know… series features Emily Gellings, current LLAW Secretary.
The goal of this series is to introduce you to the LLAW Executive Board and get you thinking about volunteer opportunities within your association.
- What is your current role with LLAW? I’m currently the Secretary for LLAW.
- What past roles have you had with LLAW? I’ve been the newsletter editor, VP/Programming co-chair, President, and Nominating (twice!). I’ve also served on a few ad-hoc committees.
- Briefly describe your current role and aspects you find most rewarding. My current role is recording the meeting minutes for both board and business meetings. This is my first year in this role, and I’m really enjoying it so far. It gives me an opportunity to pay attention to the details of what is going on in the chapter, and all the work that is done in each committee.
- Why do you feel it is important to volunteer with LLAW? LLAW and its members have given me so much through the years, and it’s important for me to pass that back into the chapter. Volunteering for LLAW was one of the first ways I started to establish my career, and the relationships I’ve made through our organization have been invaluable. We are a small chapter, but because of the dedication of LLAW volunteers, we continue to have a very active chapter.