Getting to Know… Jim Mumm

Our 2nd installment in the Getting to know… series features Jim Mumm, past LLAW President. 

The goal of this series is to introduce you to the LLAW Executive Board and get you thinking about volunteer opportunities within your association. 

  • What is your current role with LLAW?Past President, Chair of Nominations
  • What past roles have you had with LLAW?

President, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Treasurer of joint conference with other regional chapters.

  • Briefly describe your current role, and aspects that you find most rewarding.

My current role is really quite easy – basically it involves having a voice on the Board and reaching out to our members to identify people who may have an interest in taking on a leadership role with LLAW.  I thoroughly enjoy participating in the meetings and being part of the discussions that go on at that level.

  • Why do you feel it is important to volunteer with LLAW?I think it is valuable to participate in our professional associations, in particular LLAW, because in so doing we all grow.  We better understand different aspects of our careers while we participate in programs and discussions.  At the same time, we develop a certain camaraderie that extends into our other professional interactions with each other.  LLAW provides opportunities for all of us, but these opportunities are only evident when they are brought forward.  Seeing one’s own ideas, as well as others, come to fruition, whether it be in programs, articles, or other creative ways, is always exciting, encouraging, and a wonderful way to nurture our professional selves.